About the Journal
Medicina Clínica y Social (Med Clín Soc) ISSN 2521-2281 (online) is a continuously published scientific journal that is published, as a contribution of the Social Anthropology Department, in the Santa Rosa del Aguaray Campus of the School of Medical Sciences of the National University of Asunción, Paraguay. The papers may be presented at the initiative of the author, or at the request of the Editorial Board of the magazine. The journal adheres to the recommendations of the International Committee of Medical Journal Editors (https://www.icmje.org). The magazine does not charge neither for the submission nor the publication of the articles. The editorial process is carried out using the peer review system by peers external to the publishing institution (double blind).
Its aim is the dissemination of the results of scientific works in the field of Medicine, Health Sciences and Social Sciences applied to Health, in the form of high-quality scientific articles that follow the methodology of scientific research and the concepts of ethics, providing scientific knowledge that contributes to the knowledge and solution of health problems.
Its thematic coverage covers the fields of Medicine, Health Sciences and Social Sciences applied to Health. It is aimed at all those interested in scientific articles in the field of Medicine, Health Sciences and Social Sciences applied to Health.
Medicina Clínica y Social is fully open access: all articles will be accessible immediately and permanently to facilitate their reading and downloading. The permitted reutilization is defined according to the following Creative Commons use license: Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.
Medicina Clínica y Social accepts the following types of articles: a) Editorials, b) Original Articles (including original research articles, systematic reviews, and meta-analyses), c) Narrative Reviews, d) Case Reports, and e) Letters to the Editor. Editorials and narrative reviews are published only upon invitation by the journal’s Editorial Team.
The editorial process begins when the article is received, each article is assigned an associate editor to accompany the editorial process, the associate editor will make preliminary corrections to the article before it begins the review phase. The review phase is double-blinded, and the manuscript will be sent to at least two external reviewers; corrections to the manuscripts may be requested according to their advice. Once the corrections are completed, the editor will accept or reject the submission according to the recommendation of the associate editors. In case of controversies (when the opinions of the peer reviewers do not coincide in their final decision), the decision is left to the discretion of the editor-in-chief with the support of the Drafting Committee. It usually takes 4 to 6 weeks between receipt and the first response from the referees.
In the preliminary review process, computerized means will be used to detect plagiarism throughout the article in order to guarantee their quality (currently using the Plagium software. If plagiarism is found, the article will be rejected regardless of the editorial stage it is in.
Medicina Clínica y Social uses the LOCKSS digital preservation system (http://www.lockss.org/), from Stanford University. It offers open-source digital preservation services, with the aim of providing and permanently preserving access to digital content generated through our publication. In addition, it allows digital content to be shared safely among participating libraries.
Medicina Clínica y Social recognizes the importance and interest of preserving the content of our publication for future generations of readers and complies with the following procedures: a) Identifies the definitive electronic documents for publication; b) Once published, backups are made of each volume of the software (Open Journal System) and its complete content; c) Storage on external hard drives of the complete publication of the magazine and its content is updated in annual periods.
Medicina Clínica y Social is indexed in: SCOPUS, SciELO Paraguay, Directory of Open Access Journals (DOAJ), Latindex Catalog, Ibero-American Network of Innovation and Scientific Knowledge (REDIB), Directory of Open Access Scholarly Resources (ROAD), Google Scholar, REDALYC, Dialnet and Bielefeld Academic Search Engine (BASE).