Perception of the COVID-19 vaccine and its effect on the regular vaccination coverage of indigenous peoples of the Department of Presidente Hayes, Paraguay


  • Maida Barrios Ministerio de Salud Pública y Bienestar Social, Instituto Nacional de Salud, Asunción, Paraguay.
  • Miriam Instituto Nacional de Salud, Ministerio de Salud Pública y Bienestar Social
  • Julieta Mendez Ministerio de Salud Pública y Bienestar Social, Instituto Nacional de Salud, Asunción, Paraguay.



Esquema de vacunación, Covid19, pueblos indigenas


Introduction: During the COVID-19 pandemic, factors such as border closures, late receipt of vaccines, limitation of population circulation, relocation of nurses from vaccination areas to areas of care for patients with COVID-19, added to the fear of contagion affected vaccination coverage in several countries. Objective: Describe the perception of the COVID-19 vaccine and its effect on the regular vaccination coverage of indigenous peoples in the department of Presidente Hayes, Paraguay 2022. Methods: Descriptive, retrospective, observational study with a qualitative-quantitative cross-sectional design. Results: The characteristics of the indigenous peoples reveals that 110 (26.44%) are between 28 and 37 years old, 276 (66.35%) are female, 133 (31.97%) are of the Angaité ethnic group, 290 (69.71%) have studies up to the primary level and 178 (42.79%) have single marital status. The perception towards the COVID-19 vaccination was favorable in 201 subjects (48%) and very unfavorable in 148 (36%). There are indigenous peoples with great influence of cultural and religious beliefs in relation to vaccines. Regular vaccination was affected. Discussion: It was observed that the COVID-19 pandemic and the appearance of the vaccine developed distrust not only in the COVID-19 vaccine but also in the rest of the vaccines in some of the towns studied


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