The Association between the level of knowledge about COVID-19 and attitudes towards vaccination in Health Sciences students
Knowledge, vaccination, Self medicationAbstract
Introduction: In Peru, COVID-19 is a matter of interest for public health since it negatively impacts at a social, economic and psychological level. According to the WHO, 635,229,101 confirmed cases of COVID-19 have been reported and up to January 2023 there have been inoculated a total of 13,107,022,929 doses of vaccines. Objective: To determine if there is an association between knowledge about COVID-19 and the attitude towards vaccination in students of the "Faculty of Health Sciences" of the "Universidad Científica del Sur". Methods: An observational-analytical-cross-sectional study was carried out, which sought to analyze Knowledge about COVID-19 and Attitudes towards Vaccination. The data were analyzed in the OpenEpi version 3 program. Results: 576 health sciences students were surveyed, 20.49% were male, the average age was 21.3 with a standard variation of 5.93. years. In relation to the knowledge variable about COVID-19, only 4.17% had poor knowledge. On average, the vaccination attitude score was 3.80 with a standard deviation of 1.66. Conclusions: It was found that health science students with adequate knowledge about COVID-19 had a positive attitude towards vaccination. Likewise, this study gives us the opportunity to stimulate education in Health Sciences students, since scientific diffusion, critical reading of scientific evidence is more noticeable in the training of future health professionals.
Keywords: Knowledge; vaccination; Self medication (source: MeSH NLM).
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Copyright (c) 2023 Thalia Lucero Fernandez Dueñas , Marycielo Yamilee Vazquez Palomino, Fernando Miguel Runzer Colmenares

This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.