Effectiveness of bioceramics in the maintenance of pulp vitality in direct pulp covering in primary and permanent dentition: systematic review with meta-analysis





biodentine, discoloration, mta, tricalcium silicates


Introduction: Bioactive materials have been developed for direct pulp capping in order to preserve the dental pulp and keep the tooth longer in the oral cavity. Objective: The objective of this review was to evaluate the effectiveness of the use of bioceramics as direct pulp capping material to maintain pulp vitality in primary and permanent teeth with reversible pulpitis. Methods: A systematic review with meta-analysis was performed. Success in treating vitality maintenance, postoperative pain, and discoloration was studied. An electronic search was carried out in the databases: MEDLINE, EMBASE, COCHRANE, SCOPUS, LILACS, BBO. Data were extracted and analyzed with Rev Man. Results: Randomized clinical trials in which direct pulp capping with tricalcium silicates was performed compared with other capping materials were included. Comparing three bioceramics, no significant differences were found in the maintenance of pulp vitality. Regarding discoloration, statistically significant differences were observed in favor of Biodentine (p <0.001). Discussion: the clinical relevance of these findings is debatable due to their small overall magnitude and the high risk of bias of the included studies.


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