Effectiveness of empirical therapy with Cefotaxime and Ceftriaxone in medical and surgical services of the hospital "Dr. Benigno Sanchez" of Quillacollo





antimicrobials, effectiveness, empirical drug treatment


Introduction. Inappropriate use of antibiotics contributes to the increase in bacterial resistance; resistant strains are very difficult to treat with available antibiotics. Objetive. To evaluate the effectiveness of empirical pharmacological treatment with Cefotaxime and Ceftriaxone in clinical and surgical services of the “Dr. Benigno Sánchez” from Quillacollo, during the 2022 administration. Methodology. It is an observational study of analytical type, case-control subtype, prospective longitudinal. The population was 1395 patients, obtaining a sample of 884 patients, subdividing cases n=741 and controls n=126 into groups. Results. In the surgical service, the frequency among men and women was 45 % and 55 % respectively; 73 % of the total did not present underlying diseases, 90 % of the total had a hospitalization of less than one week with 95 % improvement without significant difference between cases and controls. In the clinical service, 60 % were women, the rest men, 50 % of the total did not present underlying diseases, 78 % of the total had a hospitalization of less than a week with 85 % improvement without significant difference between cases and controls. Discussion. The sociodemographic characteristics, the present study identified that in the surgical service the average age was 43 years, of these 45 % were men and 55 % women, however in the clinical service, the average age was 55 years, 60 % women the rest men. The present study identified that, in the surgical service, 95 % of the cases have improvement, without there being a relationship between the therapy used or not. In the clinical service, an 85 % improvement was seen with no difference between the groups.There is no significant difference between the groups, in medical surgical services, with respect to improvement.


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