Mistreatment of medical students in Paraguay in 2022: a multicenter survey


  • Raúl Emilio Real-Delor Private University of the East, Paraguay https://orcid.org/0000-0002-5288-5854
  • María Lucía Acosta Torreani Private University of the East, Paraguay https://orcid.org/0000-0001-5666-4445
  • Elbert Yvan Aguilar Vergara Private University of the East, Paraguay
  • León Feliciano Benítez Delasgracias Private University of the East, Paraguay
  • Francisco Javier Benítez González Private University of the East, Paraguay
  • Luis Alberto Bordón Lezcano Private University of the East, Paraguay
  • Leticia Delgado Caballero Private University of the East, Paraguay
  • Iara Mariana Encina Villagra Private University of the East, Paraguay
  • María Mercedes Escobeiro de la Cruz Private University of the East, Paraguay
  • Rosana Mabel Maidana Barboza Private University of the East, Paraguay
  • Cristhian Hernán Quintana Vargas Private University of the East, Paraguay
  • Bettina Elizabeth Ramírez Fernández Private University of the East, Paraguay
  • Romina Antonieta Vázquez Vega Private University of the East, Paraguay




medical students, surveys and questionnaires, sexual harassment, whistleblowing


Introduction: medical students are prone to mistreatment from their colleagues, administrative staff, and patients. Objective: to determine the characteristics of the mistreatment of medical students in Paraguay in 2022. Methodology: an observational, cross-sectional design was applied. Medical students of both sexes who agreed to participate in the online survey were included. Sampling was for convenience. Demographic variables were measured. The perception of abuse was evaluated according to four components (psychological, physical, academic, and sexual) using the previously validated questionnaire by Munayco-Guillén F et al. The study was approved by the Ethics Committee of the Universidad Privada del Este, Paraguay. Results: the questionnaire was answered by 214 students, 146 being women (mean age 24 ± 3 years) and 68 men (mean age 25 ± 5 years). The majority reside in Asunción (29.4%) and attend private universities (92%). The mean ± SD of psychological abuse was 1.89 ± 1.02, physical abuse was 1.64 ± 0.89, academic abuse was 2.01 ± 1.11, and sexual abuse was 1.4 ± 0. 83. Applying cut-off points at the 60th and 70th percentiles, the abuse was mild in 126 students (58.9%), moderate in 24 (11.2%), and severe in 64 (29.9%). The main reason for not reporting it was fear of being singled out by others or receiving reprisals (17.3%). Discussion: mild abuse was detected in 58.9%, moderate in 11.2%, and severe in 29.9% of medical students. It is necessary to apply measures to prevent and contain abuse.


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Author Biographies

Raúl Emilio Real-Delor, Private University of the East, Paraguay

Research professor, Faculty of Medicine, Universidad Privada del Este, Asunción, Paraguay

María Lucía Acosta Torreani , Private University of the East, Paraguay

Medical Student

Elbert Yvan Aguilar Vergara , Private University of the East, Paraguay

Medical Student

León Feliciano Benítez Delasgracias , Private University of the East, Paraguay

Medical Student

Francisco Javier Benítez González , Private University of the East, Paraguay

Medical Student

Luis Alberto Bordón Lezcano , Private University of the East, Paraguay

Medical Student

Leticia Delgado Caballero , Private University of the East, Paraguay

Medical Student

Iara Mariana Encina Villagra , Private University of the East, Paraguay

Medical Student

María Mercedes Escobeiro de la Cruz , Private University of the East, Paraguay

Medical Student

Rosana Mabel Maidana Barboza , Private University of the East, Paraguay

Medical Student

Cristhian Hernán Quintana Vargas , Private University of the East, Paraguay

Medical Student

Bettina Elizabeth Ramírez Fernández , Private University of the East, Paraguay

Medical Student

Romina Antonieta Vázquez Vega , Private University of the East, Paraguay

Medical Student


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