Final score of the admission exam according to the average degree of the applicants to the call of the National Commission of Medical Residencies Paraguay 2019-2023




medical residency, clinical tutoring, universities


Introduction: The National Commission of Medical Residencies (CONAREM) is the main admission system for clinical tutoring of medical residencies in Paraguay, endorsed by the Ministry of Public Health and Social Welfare. Objective: Determine the relationship between the final score obtained and the average degree in applicants to CONAREM calls 2019-2023.Methods: Cross-sectional study with sociodemographic and academic variables, exam scores and final score. Descriptive methods and tests of Kolmogorov-Smirnov, Student's t, Mann-Whitney U, Kruskal-Wallis and Spearman's correlation were applied; using Stata© 17.0 software from StataCorp LLC. They were considered significant when p<0.05. Results: From 2019 to 2023, 4,768 doctors applied for the CONAREM exam. 62.12% had a female female, 34.51% from 22 to 25, and 95.30% were single. The grade point average was 3.56(0.49. The majority (69.09%) came from private universities. As for preferred specialties, medical clinic was more common (20.31%), then general surgery and pediatrics (both 14.30%). 39.14% could access preferred specialty. The average final score was 67.92 and significant differences were found according to age, university of origin and year of examination. With logistic regression model, it was shown that average grade, age, public university and first participation in the exam were associated with a higher probability of obtaining better scores. The model had an adjustment coefficient of 0.318, indicating that it only predicts 32% of outcomes. The correlation was moderate and significant between final score and overall grade point average. By type of university, the correlation was low and not significant for foreign universities, while public and private universities showed moderate but significant correlation. Discussion: The best grade point averages correlate moderately with higher probability of high scores and access to specialties of preference and are associated with recently graduated doctors from public universities and took the exam for the first time.


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