Access barriers to primary sexual and reproductive health services in adolescents from a marginal urban community in Peru




sexual reproductive health, health accessibility, access barriers, adolescents


Introduction: The barriers to access to primary health services make up social structures that aggravate the health situation of adolescents, negatively impacting the full exercise of reproductive sexual health, placing adolescents in a population at social risk. Objective: To determine the barriers in the access to the primary services of Sexual and Reproductive Health of differentiated attention to the adolescents of the Health Center I - 4 Pampa Grande Tumbes 2018. Methods: Analytical case control study, 288 adolescents from the third, fourth and fifth grade of secondary school of the public educational institution Túpac Amaru in the Pampa Grande de Tumbes town center were interviewed in 2019, between experiment and control with a ratio of 1 to 1. Anonymous questionnaires were applied to assess accessibility barriers to primary health services. Variables were collected: sociodemographic and cultural characteristics that are considered as barriers to access to health services. A descriptive and inferential analysis was carried out with the SPSS® v.23 program. Results: Age, sex and economic income are directly and significantly related to accessibility to sexual and reproductive health services (p<0.01 95% CI); The availability of economic resources to assume the costs of transportation to the health center (OR = 4.23); the use of public transport (OR = 1.58), knowledge of sexual and reproductive health services (OR = 1.15) increase the probability of accessing sexual and reproductive health services for adolescents. Discussion: Socioeconomic barriers to sexual and reproductive health services for adolescents are modifiable and depend on public health management.


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