Use of evidence-based study techniques in medical students, Peru.
utilization of techniques, learning, evidence-based medicine, medical studentsAbstract
Introduction: The use of evidence-based techniques by students is a fundamental method for learning. Objective: To evaluate the frequency of the use of evidence-based study techniques in medical students from a university in Peru. Methods: A cross-sectional observational study was carried out with 75 students of human medicine from the National University of Central Peru through a survey that collected study techniques and other variables, selected by non-probabilistic sampling. Results: (58.73%) were male, one (58.7%), did not use evidence-based study techniques, low-medium family socioeconomic level (33.3%). The most used study material was books (58.14%), followed by scientific articles (24%); (45.3%) spent between 4-6 hours studying and (40%) used the "Active recall" technique. For their part, (53.3%) enjoyed studying "sometimes", (70.7%) postponed studying "sometimes" and (62.7%) had difficulty concentrating "sometimes". Furthermore, our findings indicate that those who studied for less than 2 hours preferred educational videos, while students who dedicated 6-8 hours chose to engage with reading books, scientific articles, and evidence-based slides. Similarly, those encountering difficulties 'most of the time' tended to overuse slides, whereas those facing difficulties 'always' favored educational videos (p<0.05). Discussion: The use of evidence-based techniques by human medicine students is still not the majority, only half maintain active use in their professional training, it is unknown or its implementation has a low level. Knowing these variables will make it possible to carry out schemes and educational talks in future professionals.
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Copyright (c) 2023 Joel Isaac Atencio Paulino, Deivi Nick Galarza Caceres, Angely Adriana Santivañez Lazo, Lecsi Katerin Huaman Julian , Michelle Milena Huaripata Safora , Ivan Roli Condor Elizarbe

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