Effectiveness of an intensive training program in cardiopulmonary resuscitation and use of the automated external defibrillator among representatives of mass attendance centers in Asunción 2023
defibrillators, cardiopulmonary resuscitation, out-of-hospital cardiac arrestAbstract
Introduction: Training in cardiopulmonary resuscitation (CPR) and correct use of the automated external defibrillator (AED) allows the intervention of lay citizens in situations of out-of-hospital cardiac arrest (EHPA). In Paraguay, Law No. 5,578/2016 establishes the mandatory use of the AED in mass attendance centers (CCM). Methodology: quasi-experimental before/after study in CCM representatives (Universities, shopping malls, Social/Sports Clubs, Gyms, Automotive Dealership, Residential Complexes and Supermarkets). Data were obtained from universities of the Ministry of Education and Sciences, municipal sources, and the Chamber of Commerce. Between 1-3 representatives/MCCs were trained through theoretical-practical workshops on basic CPR and correct use of the AED in HCWP with a validated questionnaire (Cronbach's alpha: 0.75). Data were compared with ?² and Mann-Whitney t-test or U test (p-significant value =<0.05). Results: Of 194 participants, the mean age was 29±5; 60.31% (117) were male, 38.65% (70) were shopping mall representatives, 60.82% (118) had a university education, and 45.36% (88) worked in customer service. 59.228% (115) had not previously received CPR training and 86.08% (167) had no AED training. A statistically significant difference was observed between the before and after score, with a difference of 4.791(1.012 points (p=0.0001). Discussion: The intensive training program is effective in raising the level of knowledge and practice in basic CPR and AED use among lay CCM representatives.
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Copyright (c) 2024 Angel Ricardo Rolón Ruiz-Diaz, Carlos Miguel Ríos-González, José Ortellado-Maidana, Graciela González, Lilian Rolón Ruiz-Diaz, Dilce Ríos-González

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