The Spanish version of the Skin Picking Impact Scale (SPIS) and its Short form (SPIS-S)



Palabras clave:

Excoriation disorder, validity, reliability, factor analysis


Introduction: The Skin Picking Impact Scale (SPIS) is a self-report rating scale that assess the psychosocial impact of excoriation disorder. In this study the SPIS was translated into Spanish and its reliability was measured. Similarly, its short version (SPIS-S) has been translated and tested. Methodology: The recruitment has been performed through a survey launched on social media. All subjects were older than18 years and self-reported being diagnosed with an excoriation disorder. 281 individuals were rated for the validation analysis. SPIS has been translated into Spanish and validated through an. Exploratory and confirmatory factorial analysis. Participants have been also scored with the Skin Picking Scale-Revised (SPS-R). Results: On factor at the exploratory factorial analysis has a raw eigenvalue greater than 1, with 65.5% of total variance. The confirmatory analysis confirmed that the scale is one-dimensional. Cronbach’s alpha also confirmed a good internal consistency (?=0.934 for the SPIS and ?=0.882 for the SPIS-S). Scores between the two scales (SPIS and the SPS-R) have shown a good convergence (r=0.592, p<0.0001). Conclusion: The Spanish version of SPIS and its short version show good psychometric properties and adequately reproduce the one-dimensional model of the original English version.


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