Translation and validity of the Nightmare Experience Scale (NExS) in Peruvian adolescents


  • Jonatan Baños-Chaparro Universidad Privada Norbert Wiener, Vicerrectorado de Investigación, Lima, Perú
  • Paul Ynquillay-Lima Universidad para el Desarrollo Andino, Instituto de Investigación, Huancavelica, Perú
  • Tomás Caycho-Rodríguez Universidad Científica del Sur, Lima, Perú



dreams, adolescent, translating, adolescent health, sleep wake disorders


Introduction: Nightmares are one of the most frequent sleep disorders in adolescents, which generates a variety of consequences in mental health and school functioning. Prevention is a fundamental strategy at this stage of development and it is necessary to have reliable instruments for its evaluation. Objective: Spanish translation and validation of the NExS in Peruvian adolescents from the general population. Methodology: Instrumental and cross-sectional research. A total of 3098 adolescents who responded to the NExS and other psychological variables participated. Statistical analysis was performed using classical test theory and item response theory. Results: The NExS presents a unidimensional structure, acceptable reliability, factorial invariance according to sex and relationship with suicidal ideation and depressive symptoms. In addition, item 2 presented the highest discrimination and the test is more accurate in high levels of nightmares. Discussion: In conclusion, the NExS demonstrated adequate sources of evidence of validity for the interpretation of its scores in the measurement of nightmares. Since it is a short instrument, its use in professional practice and research in adolescent population is recommended.


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